Well, we went to Stormville yesterday.
Headed out with an hour to get there; just enough time to get there before the opening time of 8 am. Making good time, almost half an hour to get there and almost there when we got stuck in traffic two exits off the I-84 behind a small pickup - with a trailer - that had caught fire. The pickup, not the trailer. Took almost half an hour to get past that.
Which meant, that when we finally got close to Stormville, it was exactly opening to public time so it took another half hour of stop and start traffic to just get in! Damn! Streams of cars from all directions! frustrating and kind of crazy! [Around 2pm I heard a woman in front of our tent talking on her phone saying she'd just got there, that it took her and hour to get in, half an hour in line to get food and another half an hour in line to use the bathroom...]
So, by the time we got to our space, driving through hundreds of people to get there - not one casualty, thank you - it was already 9 am; an hour into the event! By the time we got set up, it was 10 am... two hours late. Not a great start to the day but it was a lovely, bright sunny - if not a bit cold and a little windy - day. So, considering that, and what every regular vendor I heard talking about was saying (no one is buying this year), it was still a good day.
Mostly because right as I was finishing the initial set up, Esther came by with Bill (yay!) and bought the Copper Carob necklace I made last year. It looked fabulous on her, I must say. That took care of my entrance fee and the other costs of getting there so that got my late day off to a good start.
There were so many people there and a lot of just looking, but a lot of business cards were taken and there were a few small sales plus a lot of wonderful comments made; And at the end of the day, as the sun was setting, a woman who had looked earnestly earlier in the day came back - the only one of many who said they would who did - and bought 5 pieces in the brand new Old Czech Candy Collection. That made the day really worth it! Thanks Chris!
Phil hasn't uploaded the pics he took of yesterday at Stormville yet, but here's one from the fleamarket we went to at Woodstock's Mower's Market in September:

That fleamarket was not really worth our time... but we had a little fun at least... and good pizza afterward.
Last night we stopped by Beacon on the way home (to drop off a couple things and close up the shop - thanks for looking after pearldaddy, Mia!) and ate at The Piggy Bank. That was ok. If we weren't so hungry, we probably wouldn't have enjoyed it as much... maybe. Well, the sweet potato fries were really good. Actually, I'm going to have my left overs right now for lunch.
Then I have chores to do so that's all of the reportage for now. I'll write more as I'm getting ready for the Indiemade Craft Market (December 7th). Til then...