Well, we made it to Utah.
Tomorrow is the first Park Silly Market for me. I'll be on Main just below 7th on the left side heading toward 9th (orange row, number 9) under the umbrella.
No Arkansas diamonds revealed themselves to us, unfortunately. Lots of Arkansas Jasper did though. We found some nice Rhodonite, Mica Schist and Agates in the Rocky Mountain National Park too. Stayed in the Manor House at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park (not really haunted where we were at least, but a bit run down and very squeaky doors for effect - we assumed) and got up to 12,000 plus feet above sea level. Beautiful Alpine Meadows and a little sleet and wind burn. Very nice.
Oh, and we ran into some almost tornado clouds in Kansas. There was a warning where we were going to stay, so we drove up a little further and the skies cleared. Phil took a bunch of pics with his new iPhone. So, here are some of the pictures from our trip so far:
This is at the Precious Moments Chapel in Missouri just north of Arkansas (we had to get Bethany a wedding gift there. You can ask her about it:). It was kind of like a big eyed children smurf place. Kinda creepy and kind of inspirational all at once.
The storm clouds over Kansas. They were really beautiful! Didn't manage to get any pictures of the lightening though.

Oh yah. They had the Shining channel at the Stanley. There was a Stanley Steamer one too. They just played the same thing over and over. Obviously, this is from the Shining channel.

The beautiful Rocky Mountains. We got sick on the first day of hiking. Not sure if it was altitude or heat. We went from 8100 feet straight up to 9500 in less than 3 miles of hiking. Strenuous, high altitude, bright sunshine heat hiking. Man, we're out of shape!

The next day we drove out through the park and stopped a lot and did the views and short hikes. This is wayyyyy up there, but not quite the top.

Oh, yah. We stopped at the Dinosaur National Monument when we got over the Utah border. The Visitors Center was closed for repairs, but we got to take a short walk and see about three fossils in the mountains next to it. This is one of them.

So, today we're hanging with my sis and taking a walk around the wonders of Park City. Hiking wonders. The rain is coming so maybe we'll find a few Quartz Crystals washed down the trails. Been a while since I was able to walk around here and find any, but I have a lot of them from back then.
And, that's the trip up to now.
Oh. There is an update on show dates... if you're in the Salt Lake area...
Cousin Matt hooked me up for another independent craft show on Sunday, August 2nd. It's called the Craft Sabbath and runs from Noon till 4pm at Nobrow Coffee and Tea, 315 E 300 S in Salt Lake City. So cool, they were voted best of the Beehive for 2009 by Salt Lake Magazine! I'm really honored to be included and I'll have mostly $50 and under goods with me and probably a lot of new stuff that I'll be making next week (since I plan to sell most of what I have at that level tomorrow;).