As with most first time events, there were glitches, but I'm sure they'll get it all sorted out by next year - I'm totally up for a next year it was so much fun!
I actually got bumped to a different location than I was told due to the glitches, but that was a much better spot so I totally lucked out that way.
The Garden, where I got bumped to, was cooler in temperature AND in vendor population! We all got along famously and, even though we didn't have as much foot traffic, we all made our money back and then some. We even did a little bartering at the end of the event too.
There were pergolas and a fountain and we weren't out in 80 degree weather on asphalt! We made new friends and had a good laugh. We all sold enough to make it worth being there. PLUS, I got to catch up with my simply wonderful family friend whom I hadn't seen in twenty years! She's actually the reason I went to Griffin for the show, since she lives close to Griffin. And, to show you how amazing she is, Carol asked ME if she could be my assistant at the Market! What more could you ask for?
Pictures you say?

This is our neighbor, Jessie, with her father in law and my good friend Carol. We traded a necklace for some hand painted martini glasses. She has cool customized note cards too:
This is Erin and crew (this is from the Mother's Day day so part of the crew was her mom;). Her soaps smelled sooo wonderful, I traded her a pair of earrings for some:
Joy and Tiffin shared a pergola just behind us and to the left. That's Tiffin on the right and um, a Scoop lady I didn't get her name on the left in the green Hatch Market Scoop Magazine shirt and apron. Tiffin had cool hand painted lamps:
This is Amy. She's the manager of The Clothesline in Griffin and coveted much but couldn't trade me for her bosses goods. She is hooking me up with a friend of hers who has a shop in Little Five Points in Atlanta though:
This is most of the gang on the left side of the garden, you can almost make out Amy in the pergola on the right, and the fountain before we got it gurgling on Sunday. I can't remember the name of lovely lady in the front. Darn. She was so quiet, but had some great prints and paintings and was really nice and talented. I didn't get her card though. Not sure she had any:
These lovely ladies are sisters, and were knitting together on Saturday. Kathryn (on the right) had her husband buy her a pair of earrings from me - they looked FABULOUS on her:
They were behind the fountain. After we got it gurgling, a woman baptized her baby in it. Well, we had a church on either side of us and it was Mother's Day, so we all just assumed that's what she was doing. At least she wasn't drinking from it like the two boys the day before:
So, that's the cool crew from Hatch. Plus, since Erin is on Etsy and so is JoyAnn (who I didn't get a picture of but was in the back pergola behind and to the left of my table with Tiffin), and I'm also on Etsy (and that's how I found out about the show), I will now give you their shop addresses:
Fabulous smelling soaps plus: (E! La! La!)
Repurposed vintage jewelry:
Plus there was someone else just outside our fence who made recycled clothes and purses and such who's also on etsy who was pretty cool.

You can barely see her just to the left of the gate in the way too bright and hot pass through to the wonderfully cool Garden... the beginning of which, next to the asphalt lot, is where I was supposed to be.
Ok. To be fair, there were a lot of nice people outside the Garden too. Hutch was the coolest. He was roasting coffee beans in the main area to show people how his coffee is done in Griffin. He also knew people under the tent with us and kept coming back to say hi. Plus, I met a lot of great people who weren't part of the show too. Some of whom were friends of Jessica's and a lot of her husband's friends. Saturday was like a receiving line next to us with all the people he knew coming by to say hi. He was also friends with one of the bands that played on Saturday so it was a party at their table all day.
Of course, there were some Really wonderfully nice people in attendance too!
Not to mention the wonderful Scoop Magazine ladies who made the effort and got it done! AND especially all the event location ladies who worked til late Friday night to make sure the tents and tables were up!
Thanks ladies!
So, that was Hatch.
I've got a custom ring to make and send and have to send some e-mails to the Hatch people and get ready for the Hudson River Market on Saturday as well (wish us a sunny day cause it's supposed to rain). So I gotta go and get to it now.
Ta Rah.
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