October 29, 2009
Oops! Forgot to Tell ya...
Halloween night, at 8pm, in Williamsburg, at MonkeyTown... Phil's one of six musicians who are making new music to play during the silent film: Haxan, Witchcraft Thru the Ages. Should be a really good time and maybe I'll even have time to throw a costume together... hahahaaaaaaa. We'll be leaving as soon as it's done though, since we have to be up bright and early for the Arts & Crafts in the Valley on Sunday... If I don't see you on Halloween, maybe we'll see you on All Saints Day? Or is it the Day of the Dead? Guess it depends on where you are and what you pratice... eh?
Movies and Holiday Boutique Mayhem
Ok. I have to say it. Harold and Maude is possibly the best movie ever made. Well, at least right up there in the top 5. It was on last night and even though I've seen it several dozen times before, I still stopped and watched it. And still laughed and got choked up and smiled and sang along and felt that the world would be a better place if everyone was more like Harold and Maude.
Anyone ever seen the black and white autobiographical TV movie Ruth Gordon wrote and played herself in the stage version? I know it was based on her play: Years Ago and apparently is was done by the Ford Theatre Hour. If you can find it: Highly recommended for any fan of Ruth's. You know, it would be her birthday tomorrow...
So, yep.
Movie talk today.
Oh, and I'll be setting up a table in the Eagle Valley Firehouse for the Ladies Auxillary Art and Crafts in the Valley on Sunday. Open to the punters from 10am to 4pm and the ladies will be selling baked good and refreshments... Handcrafted stuff only so it should be a good time.
Got a bunch of new rings and a brand new earring design I will have three pairs of (not quite finished so maybe I'll get the pictures up tomorrow, maybe you'll have to wait until next week...). The new earring design is wire that I wove on a spool with beads on them... I know, tells you nothing really. Well, you'll just have to make the effort on Sunday, if you're close enough, to get over to 14 Scott Mine Road in Tuxedo, NY between 10am & 4pm if you want to see them and maybe get a pair for yourself!
This weekend there will be these three water color paintings by Phil necklaces at Riverwinds Gallery:

Yes. If you read my blog, you've seen the first two before; but the last one is totally new! And yes that first one is the one that was supposed to be auctioned off for the scholarship fund... what can I say. I wasn't able to be there and apparently the weather kept far too many people away... or something. Now it's going to be at Riverwinds. So you can go try it on and buy it there... if you want. And you're close enough to get over to Beacon. You can try on and buy the other ones too... Though, you could have bought them from me for less if you were at Squish last weekend...
Anyone ever seen the black and white autobiographical TV movie Ruth Gordon wrote and played herself in the stage version? I know it was based on her play: Years Ago and apparently is was done by the Ford Theatre Hour. If you can find it: Highly recommended for any fan of Ruth's. You know, it would be her birthday tomorrow...
So, yep.
Movie talk today.
Oh, and I'll be setting up a table in the Eagle Valley Firehouse for the Ladies Auxillary Art and Crafts in the Valley on Sunday. Open to the punters from 10am to 4pm and the ladies will be selling baked good and refreshments... Handcrafted stuff only so it should be a good time.
Got a bunch of new rings and a brand new earring design I will have three pairs of (not quite finished so maybe I'll get the pictures up tomorrow, maybe you'll have to wait until next week...). The new earring design is wire that I wove on a spool with beads on them... I know, tells you nothing really. Well, you'll just have to make the effort on Sunday, if you're close enough, to get over to 14 Scott Mine Road in Tuxedo, NY between 10am & 4pm if you want to see them and maybe get a pair for yourself!
This weekend there will be these three water color paintings by Phil necklaces at Riverwinds Gallery:

Yes. If you read my blog, you've seen the first two before; but the last one is totally new! And yes that first one is the one that was supposed to be auctioned off for the scholarship fund... what can I say. I wasn't able to be there and apparently the weather kept far too many people away... or something. Now it's going to be at Riverwinds. So you can go try it on and buy it there... if you want. And you're close enough to get over to Beacon. You can try on and buy the other ones too... Though, you could have bought them from me for less if you were at Squish last weekend...
October 22, 2009
Squishy Halloween!
Well, my really cool spider cut gemstones didn't arrive in time for me to make the amazing spider rings I intended, but I'm still going to be at the Squish Artists Market on Saturday. With some new rings. Just not ones with spiders cut into the bottom of the facets (they look soooo cool!) If I have time to make them before next weekend, I'll put them up in my Etsy shop. But don't hold your breath.
I have a lot of stuff to do and get made cause I have shows every weekend until Xmas... and I never got around to making my fall collections, so I have to hustle a little bit... and make some swag for IndieMade too... ya... I think I'll be lucky to get my laundry done!
I just added a bunch of stuff to my Etsy store though - that I meant to put up like a year ago - and have a few more things to list this week and next week and the week after. So keep your eyes peeled for new listings... or, if you twitter, you can follow me and get tweeted every time a listing gets added to my store so you know exactly what's new ... And you can find out when I post new pictures to my Flickr page... And when I put up a new blog posting. Like this one.
Ok, well, I have to get some stuff made and try to clean up my hovel a little bit today, among other things, so I better leave it here.
Hope to see you at Squish Saturday (1-7pm 3rd Street, Brooklyn) and maybe at some other shows and markets in the near future too. Thankfully, none of them will be outside - did I mention I got sick from being out all day in winter weather last weekend? Well, it was pretty out... and I did get a lot of fresh air... and met some nice people... and lost the feeling in my extremities and slept all day the next two days...
(this picture has been lightened and brightened; it was really cold and dark that day; it sleeted!)
Yay indoor markets!
October 16, 2009
Neither Rain, Nor Snow, Nor Broken Tent...
Well, it looks like my last weekend of outdoor festival and market going for the year will be spent in the snow and sleet and rain under a (hopefully) repaired tent.
Last Saturday the wind ripped the moorings from the ground and hurtled my tent over the top of my tables, bringing another table with it, and broke and bent in several places. I managed to get most of it hammered out and put back together, but one side arm that shattered at the drill point is a little sketchy and the holes in the tent top may or may not have all been found and patched...
It's supposed to snow tonight (depositing up to an inch) and tomorrow morning and then just rain all day after it warms up too much to snow.
None-the-less, it is rain or shine - or snow - at the Fall Foliage Festival in Highland Falls tomorrow. My check was received and, I will be there to try to make my money back and then some - in space number 78!
Hopefully, some of you will come out to see me (and help me warm up) somewhere in front of the West Point main entrance on Main Street (I have some new jewelry:)

and then head north up 9W to Beacon for the auction to benefit the Audrey Chibbaro Youth in Arts Scholarship Fund! A lot of wonderful artists have donated work for the Auction. Besides the jewelry/watercolor that Phil and I donated, Edie Nadelhaft, Judith Peck and Eileen McTiernen have all donated work. Hopefully some of you can make it to both events.

and then head north up 9W to Beacon for the auction to benefit the Audrey Chibbaro Youth in Arts Scholarship Fund! A lot of wonderful artists have donated work for the Auction. Besides the jewelry/watercolor that Phil and I donated, Edie Nadelhaft, Judith Peck and Eileen McTiernen have all donated work. Hopefully some of you can make it to both events.
And that's it for me this weekend. I'll let you know where I'll be next weekend, um, next week...
Right now I'm off to get 200lbs of sand to keep my tent from flying away again!
October 8, 2009
Why You Should Be in Beacon This Weekend...
So, why should you spend your weekend in Beacon? Well, because I am! Oh, and it's going to be a lot of fun if you do...
Second Saturday is this weekend - when the galleries have most of their art openings, restaurants and bars have special entertainment and the Main Street businesses stay open late. And this 2nd Saturday is going be the last Hudson River Market I'll be at. Maybe the last one in it's current incarnation ever, actually. They're looking to make it a "European Style" Market for next year - which means the handmade arty stuff will be pretty much absent.
So.. this Second Saturday will be your last chance to get some one of a kind and handmade jewelry, clothing, bags and fine art from some of the Hudson Valleys local talent. Well, on the street on Main anyway...
Plus, Sunday, Mount Beacon Fine Art Gallery is hosting a Jewelry Party - with jewelry by Andrea N. (that's me...) - from 2pm to 6pm. Refreshments will be served and I will have 4 tables of jewelry set up so there will be even more one of a kind to choose from than on Saturday. Plus, it's indoors, so I can bring stuff I wouldn't put outside... Though, if the weather is as nice as they say it's supposed to be (Fall Foliage anyone?), I'll probably sell quite a few one of a kind jewelry things on Saturday. So, if you want first dibs on anything I've got, you might want to come see me both days... If you can.
Oh, and I just dropped off some new necklaces at Raindance so you can run over to Beacon Friday if you want to be the first to get one of those. I just created a whole new unique-to-the-store design; all with a Vintage bead as the focus and gemstones on the chain. Since I've only made Sterling jewelry for Kathy's store up til now, and Fall is more of a Gold time of the year, I made 4 of the 7 new necklaces in Gold Fill. It went better with the Fall colors. So, if you're more of a gold person and you like one of these:
(the top four are the Gold Fill) you might want to get down there asap before someone else gets the one(s) you like...
Let's see, lots of art and activities plus special shopping opportunities... perfect weather and gorgeous mountain and river sides full of spectacular Fall color... um... the chance to hang out with great people and enjoy a wonderful weekend... um... um... nope, I think that about covers why Beacon NY is the place to be this second weekend in October.
See you there!
October 2, 2009
Art Auction Date Correction with Pictures
Ok, I was wrong. I admit it. I had the dates mixed up. I'm going to blame the Mercury Retrograde.
This is the necklace I made for the Auction [100% of the proceeds (of MY art - well, Mine and Phil's art - anyway) is going directly to the Audrey Chibbaro Youth in Arts Scholarship Fund]:

The correct date for the big art auction is October 17th. From 5pm to 8pm. At Mount Beacon Fine Art. You can start PReviewing (see my mistake) the art tomorrow. Though not all of it will be on display until closer to the auction.
Apparently, most of the artists did not feel the need to be punctual with the delivery of their donation. Hey, I was told to get it there by today, so I did. I'm not bad mouthing anyone... um... I guess I'm just tooting my own horn then... ;]
Anyway... It's a silent auction and the Gallery will be setting minimum bids on all the work so, contact them for info on where you'll need to start to get your hands on my newest, one of a kind (and totally different than anything else I've ever made), necklace. It's going to a good cause and you can bid by phone or e-mail if you can't get to the gallery in person.
This is the necklace I made for the Auction [100% of the proceeds (of MY art - well, Mine and Phil's art - anyway) is going directly to the Audrey Chibbaro Youth in Arts Scholarship Fund]:

The clasp is hand formed...
The original mini watercolor painting was done by Phil Puleo (signed on the back) and is covered by a clear acid free film for protection...
I knitted wire and fiber together with Rose Quartz and Garnets and made the fancy swirly chain all by hand. No jigs for me! Did I mention this is the first time I've made a handmade chain for a necklace (that wasn't just links with beads or stones that is)?
Can't tell you how long it actually is cause, I was in such a hurry to get it made and take pictures and get it delivered (with all publicity materials requested), that I forgot to measure it.
Wait, I might be able to figure it out - pretty close to anyway.
Ok. I know it's longer than 16" because the woven part is 6" long. Each swirl is about an inch and there are 12 of them... let's see... well, it's longer than 18"... each connector is about a quarter inch... so, it's probably closer to 20". You'll have to try it on to see how it actually looks on you though...
Now, get over to Beacon and get those bids in!
October 1, 2009
This Weekend's Festival That I'll Be At...
This weekend I'm going to be at the 8th Annual, Skyland, New Jersey Botanical Garden's Harvest Festival. Both days, Saturday and Sunday (10/3 & 4) from 10am to 5pm. Rain or Shine! Which is going to be fun cause I haven't gotten around to re-water proofing my tent... So, repeat after me: Rain rain... I'll be there anyway!
Um, and that's pretty much it.
Oh, wait, I'll also have a necklace at the Benefit Auction at the Mount Beacon Fine Art Gallery at 155 Main Street in Beacon, NY on Saturday the 3rd. Proceeds benefit the Aubrey Chibbaro Youth in Arts Scholarship so get out there and bid!
I'll have a picture of the item up for bidding right here on my blog by tomorrow evening... I'm still making it ;}
Oh yah. The MBFA Gallery is also going to host an, open to the public, Jewelry Party on Sunday the 11th. That would be with me, and my jewelry...
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