Apple pie is ok, but I like Blackberry, Raspberry and Boysenberry, oh, and Olallieberry, pie way better. You can mix a little bit of apple in with the berries and it's good pie. But no sugar. Honey and maple syrup if you have to. Really ripe (NOT East Coast grown) Blackberries can go without the sweetener. Yummmy! Used to get excellent Real Key Lime pie with Tequila Raspberry sauce when I was in Blacksburg... too bad that restaurant didn't last... that was amazing!
Ya. So, anyway; now that the world series is no longer on Fox at primetime, I can watch some of my shows again! Yay!
Sad, noh?
Ok. I don't just sit around watching TV all day! I sit around watching movies too. AND making jewelry while I watch the vidiot box. It's kind of like listening to the radio while I work. Since my current working conditions are so confined, my largest and most convenient workspot is the coffee table so, I usually watch a little whatever for background and entertainment while I create. If that's weird, well... I am a little. weehhhheeeeeeee.
I did make some new rings today - while watching a marathon of the David Tenant Dr. Who - with Martha. Missed most of those, so caught up a little. And made these rings in the process:

All Gold Fill, mostly 14KGF but two of the rings have some 18 gauge that's only 12KGF. Lessee, the front row left is a super twisty with 4 strands of wire and three 4 mm stones (Garnet, Hessonite Garnet and Citrine); middle front is a 6mm lab grown Alexandrite; right front is an 8mm Natural Black Spinel; middle row left is a Labradorite (and the color just did not come out in the shot, it's soooo blue!); middle right is a lab grown Blue Zircon; in the back is a lab grown Ruby. All on the small size side (between 4 & 6.5) round the finger, and all but the Ruby one pretty substantial round the stone. Yah. If I don't sell them tomorrow, I'll take some better pictures...
Even this one of the Labradorite isn't as good as it should be, but at least it shows the color better:

Only cropped the size on this. Didn't tweek it at all. But it's a little blurry so you can't see the facets too well. It really does show that blue. Only a 5 1/2 though... no, really. I didn't play with the color at all in that picture!
OK. So, that's the new stuff. Would have had more but I spent all of the first four days of the week making tiny little pendants for Swag for the Indiemade Craft Market in a month. Gotta get them mailed out on Monday...
Right, so if you like the rings and live close enough to drive to Beacon NY tomorrow (that's November 7th if you aren't sure what day I wrote this), and want to try some of them new rings on and maybe buy one or two; I'll be at the Elant at Fishkill Holiday Craft Fair from 10am to 4pm. That's at 22 Robert Kasin Way which is just North of the Beacon exit off I-84 up 9D, or just North of the I-84 on 9D. Hopefully there will be adequate signage, but there's a map right here and linked to the "Where I'll Be" in the sidebar too.
So, that's what's on my mind, just got made, and where I'll be this weekend. Hopefully you've enjoyed it and I'll see you one of these weekends soon.
Have you started on Torchwood, or Primeval yet? Bound to be a few good rings in them lot!
Ha Ha. I was going to watch Torchwood, but the cable company we changed to with the move doesn't carry BBC America and I have not yet Netflixed it. Ha Ha. Primevil I came into in the middle a couple times and like with Lost, just couldn't understand the big deal. Ha Ha. I'm turning into an Anime character. Ha Ha.
I think I am set for series to half watch while making rings. However, I am now looking for a good series to half watch while I'm making pendants. Any suggestions?
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