It snowed yesterday. People freaked out. I laughed... while I was out walking around in the woods in snow up to my shins. There's still enough snow on the balcony to make a snowman... and I might just do it too... Have a couple things to do first though...
Been running around looking at a lot of blogs this last week. Puts me to shame, actually. You know, when you see these amazingly well graphicked perfectly put together blogs with lots of entries that are all amazing and well written and stuff like that there. Keep thinking I should make some kind of new years blogolution and theme myself up for a month and make myself write something every other day - instead of every other week.
I have tons of ideas and things I want to put to screen, but never seem to be anywhere near the computer when I do. Or, like lately, my wrists don't want me anywhere near a computer at all.
Been tooling round the internets all day and my wrists are SCREAMING right now. No. I will not repeat what they are saying. It's just not acceptable for public print (screen) formats. Yikes!
So, I made some new stuff. Did I tells ya? Well, it's with the rocks I been hounding. A lot of the ones I tumbled... well, partially. They're not all super smooth and super shiny. Didn't want to go that far off the natural. Did manage to figure out how to do Crackle Quartz without heating though! Kind cool. Have a bunch I have yet to photograph and some waiting to be made too but, all the ones I'm going to make in Gold Fill are done and I have some pics... you want a peek?
Ok. Here they are... oh, and I made some snow minions when ya'll weren't looking too! Enjoy!

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