Found out I got accepted to the 2nd annual Craft Lake City Arts & Crafts Show at the Gallivan Center in Salt Lake... coming up mid August and hosted by Slug Magazine (who did an interview with my cousin Matt last year).
That's good.
Purple Catseye Pendant Charm
Black (but sometimes looks Blue) Catseye Pendant Charm
Resin Mare and Colt Cameo Pendant
Should be a rip roaring good time... as a matter of fact... and I'm taking that day off the Downtown Market so I don't get burnt out by the end of the night. See, I get up at 5am so I can be ready to drive an hour to get set up by 8am... then go to 1pm. The CLC show starts at 2pm and goes to 9pm, with music going later. So, if I go to the Downtown Market, then I'll have to pack up early to be set up by 2pm and I'll be totally wiped out by 5pm so... I wouldn't be able to enjoy it as much.
Plus, I plan to do a full (two table) set up under a tent for Craft Lake... but, I'll rant more about it later when I give more details in August.
Right now, I'd like to direct your attention to some pictures:

I'm in the process of making new rings this week, so I'll show you those on Friday so you know what to expect for next weekend's Markets. Oh, and please: Feel free to e-mail if you want anything you see posted and can't make it to the Markets...
Feel free to e-mail if you want custom work, or want to host a Jewelry Party... or leave a comment if you just want to say something about something that says something.
Ok. Well...
More then...
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