So, hope everyone had some great holiday experiences and your New Years is full of bubbles and absent of regrets!
I'm keeping this short, but informative - well, at least I'm trying to.
Meant to get a lot of new stuff up on my Etsy site this last week, but couldn't find the display hand and neck (as seen in other pictures in my store) in my storage stuff, which means it's buried deep... and last week was so dark, I couldn't seem to get any good lighting breaks for pics without them either so, might not get anything new up until I can figure out my options with my current limitations.
Which brings me to my current limitations:

This is my workroom for the winter. It's also my bedroom. The door and shelves are where the closet used to be. The bed is a queen size and up against the far wall, the table is 32" square, and yes, that is a suitcase in the left corner. That black mass on the floor to the right is my cases of jewelry and a few of supplies. The rest of my supplies are 20 miles away in storage.

So, I wasn't able to get that studio space and am still staying with my parents in the boonies... BUT, I AM in negotiations to use a place up at Kimball Junction for teaching classes. I'm planning to teach basic Wire Wrapping for the first class - all materials and your very own tool kit included, 2 hours, 3 techniques for $90 - and basic Stringing and Finishing for the second class.
If you'd be interested in taking the Wire Wrapping class next month, leave me a comment to this post so I can have a bit more leverage to bargain with - to use the teaching space. Once I have enough interest, and have secured use of the space, I'll post the class date/place and registration link along with pictures of everything you'll get and learn how to do.
Oh, and I'm starting a Birthday Club subscription for next year as well. You'll get several options to choose from (including which type of stone you want - the definitions of which you can see Here). This first year, I'm making everyone who joins the club a pendant similar to these ones:

Each one made individually with your specific stone and metal requests and offered to you for your birthday (or anyone else's birthday you don't want to forget) at a special discounted Birthday Club price. Plus, everyone who signs up for the Club before the New Year gets a special offer next week just for the New Year.
And that's all the updates for this year... Thanks for all your continued interest and a VERY Happy New Year to one and all!
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