November 10, 2008

Quicky Stormville Fleamarket Pics


You wanted pics of Stormville, I have a lot to do. 

Yes there are things I want to write about, but I'm saving on the electric by not turning on the heat just yet so my hands are a little cold and stiff and I have to make some jewelry to get ready for the Indie show on December 7th so I thought I'd just pop up some pics of the booth at Stormville - no jewelry wearing that day I'll tell you... it was windy and cold and a lot of displays did not get put out because everything was blowing; the tent next to us came up and sailed away with the vendor at one point! That was exciting. 

Anyway, this is all that Phil took of the set up we had. There are tons of pics of other stuff he took and I think some of them got on his iStock page; but this is all he took of our tent: 

I'm off to make, so type atcha more after the Craft Market

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