March 25, 2008

Rainbows in the Sink

Sometimes I have one of those days: Nothing is going well; someone tried or did run into me on the drive into or while parked at work; machinery stops working or starts working like it's possessed by evil gremlins; no matter how gently I work the wire, the gemstones still break. Sometimes it just feels like the world is out to get me. 

Eh, we all have days like that, right? No point moping and sulking about it though. Too much to do. So, like a lot of people, I take steps to get over it. Occasionally, besides deep breathes and premeditated exercises in perspective, I'll also get a sign that everything is still just fine. 

In the form of rainbows. Not always in the sky either. In fact, as I age, the sky type seem to come less and less frequently but, the indoor types seem to get more so. I see them on the ceiling, on the walls, on the floor, in the sink... no prisms necessary! 

This last one came to me in the bathroom sink. There are these great blocks in the window that refract light - if it hits at just the right angle - into wonderful rainbows all over the place. I see the rainbows, stop, and everything seems much better. 

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