February 22, 2010

Last Winter Tight Knit

If you were planning to come out to see me at this winter's Tight Knit Craft Market in Troy, but just haven't gotten around to it yet, well... this Saturday is your last chance.

This Saturday will be the last Tight Knit until Summer, the final craft market for the Winter, and you know I won't be back in Troy this Summer for that version because I'll be in Park City, Utah again this Summer.

In fact, I'll be leaving for Utah mid-May so, you also might want to think about scheduling that Jewelry Party you've been thinking about too... Mother's Day is coming up fast.

Just added some new Amethyst rings to the Etsy store too. Plus one with Amethyst and Aquamarine. That one is just the thing for the woman who only celebrates her birthday once every four years...

Getting all the stones laid out to work on the Sterling half of the U Rock collection too. Hope to have that mostly finished by the end of the week.

Um, what else? Hmmmm... sure there was something else but it's not coming to me...

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